Despera Wiki is a Wiki focusing on the planned anime series Despera, a spiritual sequel to Serial Experiments Lain. The story centers around a 12-year-old girl named Ain, who often builds devices despite the lack of scientific background for them. The sci-fi alternative period story is set in Tokyo during the Taishō era in 1922, one year before the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake.
NOTICE: On April 2021, Chiaki J. Konaka revealed that most of the original plot pitched in 2008 has been reworked giving Despera a completely different setting and story (source). The information collected on this wiki may be now outdated.
- April 2021
- 7th - Chiaki J. Konaka announces during an interview that they found a producer for Despera, with whom they have never worked before. He also reveals that the project has been completely reworked with new setting, story and character. (source)
- March 2021
- 23rd - Chiaki J. Konaka announces on his twitter that Despera development was suspended during the pandemic. He also predicts official announcements in 2022. (source)
- February 2020
- 20th - Chiaki J. Konaka announces on his twitter that the project is "not dead" (source)
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Featured Article
Ain (あいん) is the main character of the planned anime series Despera.
She is a young Japanese girl with scientific skills that go beyond the knowledge and capabilities of her time.
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